Laura Hope

Executive Vice Chancellor March 21, 2018

Laura Hope headshot

This month plays host to the last “formal” step to be completed this year, before the Chancellor’s Office can release funding in support of Guided Pathways. Many colleges have already begun planning for their spending, and the office has been buzzing with questions from the colleges about funding guidelines.

Once the multi-year work plans are submitted, the Chancellor’s Office will conduct a “reading circle” event designed to give regional teams an opportunity to read other colleges’ plans, learn from each other, and help identify themes that will help to inform future support efforts. Look for a “Save the Date” message calling for volunteers to participate on April 27, 2018 at the Costa Mesa Hilton. Ideally, the event will include approximately 300 participants, from all seven regions, to help establish a community of practice around Guided Pathways. Interested participants should sign up immediately in light of the short timeline before the event. Hope to see many people there!